
[TRANS] 110315 4th Trial Of SM Vs JYJ.. SM Treasurer Appears As A Witness

The fourth trial of the lawsuit between JYJ and SM Entertainment took place on the 15th.

Last April, SM filed an exclusive contract validity verification and compensation for losses lawsuit against the trio to which the trio filed an exclusive contract invalidity verfication and unjust profit restitution counter-lawsuit against SM. On the 15th, the two sides held a hearing.

The trial that was held this day included an examination of a witness, Mr Yoon, who was in charge of handling TVXQ's income and accounts in SM Entertainment.

At the trial, Mr Yoon stated, "SM artistes settle their accounts twice a year for the income from overseas and domestic activities and album sales. Before the accounts are settled and the artistes are paid, the celebrity, his or her manager, the treasurer and his or her parents get together, make sure that the income division is done exactly according to the contract and sign a paper stating that the correct income division was carried out. This information is also looked over by an accounting firm."

He continued to state that TVXQ's income division was done through a legal and just process as he said, "The trio have never voiced a complaint about the income division till now. The income division has always been done according to the contract with consent from the trio, and we have never omitted any profits or expenses."

Also, Mr. Yoon explained the process behind TVXQ's income division as well as the members' expenses, income and salary received in advance. He also gave thorough answers to the questions given by the lawyers of SM and the trio regarding album sales and royalties.

The trio did not attend the trial. The next trial will be held on April 19th at the same location and the Courts are planning to hold an examination on another witness, Nam So Young, the CEO of SM Japan who was in charge of TVXQ's Japanese activities.

Source: [spn edaily+Yuaerubi]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

T/N: Read this with a pinch of salt please! This is the only article out there and as you can see, it's quite SM biased.
From what I've read from accounts of the trial, these so-called thorough answers from Mr. Yoon included the following:
-TVXQ only earned 1 billion of the 14.7 billion Won of SM's overseas royalty.
-Mirotic was written down as 480K copies in the SM accounts "for convenience sake" meaning that TVXQ could not receive their 50 million Won bonus for selling 500K+
I don't know about you guys, but er, these don't seem so 'thorough' as the article makes them out to be.
It's your call in the end but er... yeah. =/

1 comment:

  1. i hope everyhting goes well especially for JYJ (may seem like I'm a JYJ biased)..
    but, as much as i (we) hate to see these 5 guys being hurt, they are the ones who have to face all these things..
    i pray that they'll be strong and ALWAYS remain close together despite all these..
    AKTF! <3
