
[NEWS]110411 JYJ's Junsu and Yoochun avoid disaster in Japan


Both Yoochun and Junsu of JYJ managed to avoid the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Yoochun had left Japan the day before the disaster struck, but he had been supposed to film in the country for the new MBC drama “Goodbye Miss Ripley.”

Junsu, on the other hand, “was supposed to be in Sendai when the earthquake hit.” He revealed that he could have become a victim of the tsunami if he hadn’t been persuaded by his staff not to visit Sendai. Because he enjoyed the seascape and hot springs of Sendai, the singer had originally planned to film a bit of his project there.

Luckily for Junsu, the staff convinced him that filming in Sendai wouldn’t fit the project’s concept, so he stayed in Tokyo to finish. Sendai was an area heavily devastated by the March 11th earthquake. Even though he was in Tokyo, he still experienced the disaster, though on a much smaller degree. “Everything was shaking violently,” he recalled, “and it’s scary to think of what could have happened if I had been stubborn about going to Sendai.”

With great difficulty, he was able to return to Korea the next day and attend the scheduled JYJ fanmeet. The three members of JYJ also donated 600 million won to the international aid organization World Vision to help aid victims of the disaster.

What do you think of their close call?

Sources: donga and dongbangdata
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

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