
[Truth in Drink 2] JYJ Kim Jaejoong, “Dating Partners After Debut, All Entertainers”


Scandals with Japanese Entertainers? Yamada Yu and Jaejoong are Just Friends

Q: I know that you in Japan, too, you stand out as having many friends…

“I don’t know. I’m close with people such as the Singer / Actor Yamasita Tomohisa, who has begun activities in Korea too, the vocal of the well-known male group Winds Tachibana Keita; And the Model / Actress Yamada Yu. It’s a case of them coming to see our performances and we get to know each other.

Q: There is a scandal rumor with a Japanese model—does she happen to be Yamada Yu?

“Yamada Yu is a top model in Japan, like a ‘Little Lee Sora’. (T/N: Lee Sora is a legendary top model in Korea.) We met for the first time in our after party of the U.S. LA Showcase. But I know that she is in a relationship with a well-known actor in Japan. Therefore there are no scandals about us in Japan no matter how much we hang out, but it seems that in Korea there has been a bit of a misunderstanding. (laugh)”

Q: Now I understand. However, there were also rumors of being in a relationship with Ayumi Hamasaki.

“That is very strange as well. Ayumi cheered for us during the A-Nation performances, which Japan’s Avex holds every year, and last October she came especially to the JYJ Korean Showcase—it seems that rumors arose because of that. But that’s not the case. You must all know that Ayumi announced a surprise wedding with an actor of Austrian descent. (laugh)”

Ideal Woman is Jeon Inhwa, Kang Sooyun. Until now, Number of Dates = 4

Q: And, your ideal woman?

“Before, it was a person who would give a positive feeling upon first meeting, but now I wish that it is a person who would understand well my talk and I would understand well her talk.

Q: Didn’t you say that your ideal women were Jun Inhwa and Kang Sooyun?

“That’s right. Jun Inhwa sunbae nim has an elegant beauty, and Kang Sooyun sunbae nim has a unique attractiveness. In particular, Kang Sooyun sunbae nim’s dimple is attractive. I fell for her after watching the drama “Woman (Ruling the) World.” I thought she was a new face but I found out that she was a top star. (laugh)”

Q: How many dates have you gone on after your debut?

“After 2004, 4 times. They were all entertainers.”

As soon as those words fell, all around us there was chaos, saying that he shouldn’t say such things. It was that it will become published and it will be troublesome. But Kim Jaejoong said: “It doesn’t matter.”

“I did one Blind Date after debut. But what good comes of it if I hide things like this? These are all things that fans who may know already know. Also, it’s funny to say that I don’t have such things. (laugh)”

Strong Points in Appearance is Pale Feet; Complex is Thin Thighs

Q: What do you think is the reason you connect in Japan?

“First of all, I can be friends with Japanese entertainers. I’m on the side of telling them a straight advice, such as “I think your singing ability is a bit lacking,” and it seems that they take that without any misunderstandings themselves.

Q: If you were to pick out your attractive points?

“Pale feet? (laugh) They are unusually white compared to other parts of inside of my body and so they stick out and they are bit awkward too.”

Q: Complexes?

“Thin thighs. My thighs are on the thin side compared to other men who are of similar build as me.”

Q: And plastic surgery?

“That’s a secret. All my fans know already but if you don’t know, I’ll pass. (laugh)”
Instead, he grinned, saying that he used to be concerned that his nose was a bit flat.
Dream, Entertainer Kim Jaejoong

Q: Your plans for the future.

“Activities as JYJ is the first priority. I think the world tour performances should be wrapped up well.”

Q: Other fields that you as an individual want to challenge yourself with.

“Now that I’ve done musical directing I’m getting more desires. Acting and musicals, too, if there are opportunities, I want to do more of them.”

On this day, I talked with Kim Jaejoong with beer. He said that he turns red, but even after drinking 5 to 6 glasses there was no change to the color of his complexion. He is strong in his singing, dancing, and directing abilities and also in drinking. He was just so honest, more than he seemed (from his appearance upon first meeting). The reporter had to actually differentiate between those things to write and those things to not. But Kim Jaejoong said “I can’t say that the facts that the fans all know aren’t true. To your questions, I answered honestly, everything,” and lessened the needless worries of this reporter.

Source: Joongang Sports Daily
Credit: JYJ3
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

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