
[NEWS]110817 Which Korean celebrities would best be suited for popular vampire roles?

The movie Twilight was recently aired on Korean television. A poll was held on an OCN blog, asking which Korean celebrities would best fit popular vampire roles from television and movies.

JYJ's Kim Jaejoong was picked as the best Edward from the movie Twilight.

Actor Lee Minho, who recently starred in "City Hunter", was selected as the best Stefan, the nice vampire from Vampire Diaries, while actor Kim Namgil, whose last work was in the drama "Bad Guy", was chosen as the best Damien, the bad vampire from Vampire Diaries.

Actor Lee Dongwook, who is currently starring in drama "Scent of a Woman", was chosen as the best Dylan Radcliffe, a vampire from "The Gates". Kim Saeron, a female actress, was picked as the best Eli from Let Me In. Actor Lee Byunghyun from Iris and actor Jo Insung, were chosen as the best Bill Compton and Eric respectively, both from True Blood.

Source: OCN
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

NOTE:If U are our loyal reader maybe U know that I[SayuriJaeJoong] have videos about it
Coz I always thought that JeJung really looks a vampire so
Now I know I´m not the only one haha \0/

1 comment:

  1. hahaaa i love your Vampires videos and fanart
    Jaejoong looks great as an angel & vampire
    thank u
