
[TRANS] 110818 Daily Post Of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, August 18th to 5:59am KST, August 19th.

Junsu visits his cats~ (and we got to meet him! :D)
(Junsu, 4.35pm KST) heehee… Guys^^

The tweet monsta is finally here!
(Jaejoong, 12.30am KST) I can’t wait for next Wednesday^^

So that’s where you went after Crebeau! :) I love that musical~
(Junsu, 12:47am KST) It’s been a while since I last saw the musical Guys and Dolls… For the entire two and a half hours., I didn’t stop laughing. I’d like to try a musical comedy haha

Source: [Jaejoong's + Junsu's Twitter]
Translated + Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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