
[TRANS] 110826 JYJ “We Will Work Hard To Correct The Misconceptions Surrounding AIDS”

Popular trio JYJ have revealed that they will do their best to correct the misconceptions surrounding AIDS.

JYJ (Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu) attended te opening ceremony of the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP10) that was held in Busan on the 26th and received their ‘Regional Goodwill Ambassador’ appointment letters from Michel Sidibé, the Secretary General of UNAIDS.

Secretary General of UNAIDS says to JYJ, “Thank you, thank you, and thank you for acception”

Secretary General Michel Sidibé explained why JYJ were chosen as he said, “The infection rate of AIDS is high across the world. AIDS affects even children and teenagers and a victory will be impossible in this fight unless a movement for change begins in the younger generation,” and “This is why we have chosen JYJ to become regional goodwill ambassadors (as they are popular with children and teenagers in the region).”

He continued to say, “It is an honor to know that JYJ will put into action the work I’ve been planning,” and “JYJ will be working hard to provide correct information about HIV. They will not only be active in Korea and Asia, but the entire world.”

The Secretary General had expectations for JYJ that clearly exceeded that which is normally given to goodwill ambassadors. Sidibé stated, “I firmly believe that JYJ will be the forerunners in this new movement for change and work with us,” and “Thank you, thank you, and thank you for acception.“

JYJ say, “We will work hard to correct the misconceptions surrounding AIDS”

The members of JYJ then expressed their thoughts about becoming goodwill ambassadors for the cause. Kim Junsu looked determined as he said, “Many people see AIDS as a disease that is fatal and dangerous if contracted, but it’s now being said that people can live long even if they have AIDS as long as they receive continuous treatment. As treatment that completely eradicates AIDS hasn’t been discovered yet, a continuous stream of attention and effort to prevent contraction is required. We will work hard to do so.“

Park Yoochun added, “Many people have taken interest in JYJ in the Asia and Pacific region,” and “We will work hard to correct the misconceptions surrounding AIDS so people know what exactly it is and how to prevent it.”

The members of JYJ received a gift from Secretary General Sidibé that represents solidarity. Following this, JYJ took a photo with the Secretary General and Jo Myung Hwan, the head of the ICAAP10 committee. Shouts were heard when JYJ entered and excited the event hall from the 100 fans who gathered to see them. A representative of ICAAP10 stated, “I was so surprised when I heard a large noise at the event hall, but I later learned it was the fans.” JYJ also performed at the event’s welcome party that began at 5p.m..

Meanwhile, ICAAP10 is being held from the 26th till the 30th of August under the theme ‘Diverse Voices, United Actions’ and will look back on the progress made in prevention and treatment in the past 30 years to commemorate the 30th year since AIDS was first discovered as well as bring up future plans. 4,000 people from 70 countries will participate in ICAAP10 and this will be the first time that the congress is held in Korea.

Though the first lady, Kim Yoon Ok, was scheduled to attend the welcome party, she was unable to do so as she was visiting Kazakhstan with the president. The head of the ICAAP10 committee Jo Myung Hwan delivered the first lady’s congratulatory message instead. Nafis Sadik, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General, delivered UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s message as well.

Source: [ohmynews]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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