
[TRANS] 110830 JYJ’s Junsu And Yoochun Visit On Location Of ‘Protect The Boss’ With Support And Food

JYJ’s Kim Junsu and Park Yoochun have stepped up to show their support for fellow member Kim Jaejoong.

On the 30th, the official Twitter account of SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Protect the Boss’ posted a photo with the tweet, “We had surprise guests on location of ‘Protect the Boss’. It was JYJ’s Yoochun and Junsu who came to support their hyung, Jaejoong! They even prepared a tasty meal~“

JYJ’s Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu visited on location of ‘Protect the Boss’ to show their support for Jaejoong, who is currently appearing in the drama and provided a catering van for the cast and crew. In the photo, the members of JYJ can be seen amongst the production crew as they pile their plates with food.

Netizens who saw the photo said, “I feel content just looking at the photo. Keep working hard everyone”, “I can feel how great the atmosphere is on location from the photo”, “It warms my heart”, “I want Wednesday to come soon”, and “JYJ’s friendship shines brighter than the sun!”

Source: [enews24]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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