
[TRANS] 110831-110901 Post Of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, August 31st to 5:59am KST, September 2nd.

Wow did not see these. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME ;A;
(Jaejoong, 1:35am KST, 110901) The promised photo.. but the definition is a little.. http://yfrog.com/nzkzetj

(Jaejoong, 12:20am KST, 110902) Acting has quite a strange charm to it.. Singing, dancing, directing, composing, writing lyrics, arranging music, and taking photos is so interesting and fun but the world of acting is a new world to see.

Source: [Jaejoong's Twitter]
Translated + Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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