
[TRANS] 110916 Notice Regarding The ‘BLACK’ Version Of ‘In Heaven’

This is a notification for all those who have pre-ordered JYJ’s IN HEAVEN.
This is what we were notified by the production company this afternoon (9/16)

In the process of printing out the albums, which were set to be released in three versions RED, BROWN and BLUE, there was an insufficient amount of the necessary imported material which means that only a portion of the required albums have been set to each respective company (the same number of albums of each version) and it has been decided that an additional production will take place in October in BLACK to fulfill the remaining orders. Unfortunately, we believe that many of those who pre-ordered the album will not get the album version of their choice.

The albums printed in the first set will be delivered with priority given to those who ordered the three album set, and the rest will be delivered according to the order that the pre-orders were made.

If the BLACK version is released in the second set of printed albums, then those remaining will receive the BLACK version of the album, and we ask that these people accept these albums.

Our company is also perplexed as this was a sudden change by the production company.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we ask for your understanding.

2011/9/16 innolife

Source: [innolife+Yuaerubi]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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