
[TRANS] 111021 Hayato's Blog Update, "Yoochun~!!!"

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EP2: Yoochun~!!!

Everyone, were you alright???

But it was surprising wasn't it… Yoochun's "I love you"…

During rehearsal, the staff members also worriedly said,
"This, is this gonna be okay?"

They gave me a phone call saying that [if Yoochun sang that song] the fans might even faint and be panic LOL

Then, at that time I was going to write this on my blog… but how should I write it?

"You might faint so please prepare yourselves when you come to the concert…"

"When Yoochun does "I love you", please close your eyes…"

… In the end… it's something that has been prepared… she was also a pretty girl… it's something that I couldn't do anything about it is it?… It's bad?… You won't forgive me?… I think so LOL

Yoochun was being very serious during the rehearsal, Junsu who was sitting in the center watching Yoochun was rolling around laughing out loud with his "Eun Kyang Kyang" laughter… Jaejoong who was standing in the wing of the stage brought a mic and said on word… "Erotic… His voice went in to speaker and kept echo-ing across the prairie

That's why, on the day of the concert… I was somehow worried… that everyone would faint and swoon… I was really worried

And just like what I was worried about, the fans at the venue surprised the whole Hitachi Seaside Park with their scream

Kyaaaa stop ittt!!!

*Evil laughter*…? … I wonder why I am laughing? (:

Source: Hayato's Blog
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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