
--♥ [FANACCOUNT] ♥--
--♥ The Most Epic Day Of My Life ♥--

(Yes I'm allowed to call it that, because that's what it was)
A fan account done by Tohosomnia's only Korean translator, moi

Part 1. Misarang Imshil Cheese Pizza

Unfortunately, the day did not go according to plan, but when does life ever go according to plan?

Instead of leaving at 9 as I had planned, so I would know for certain that I wouldn't screw myself over later, I ended up leaving at 11. Why? Because my mom's friend was a religion addict like my mom was, so I ended up going to church in the morning. Lovely.

So, I hopped on the fastest train and headed out to Ilsan, where Junsu's dad's pizza place was. Naver told me that it would take around an hour and 50 minutes so all I could think was 'Great. Just freaking fantastic.'

My route there from Songnae Station to Jungbalsan Station

Some high figure in the sky decided to give me a very small, and I mean small, leeway by making the trip an hour and 35 minutes long. Fifteen more minutes. Joy. I ended up in Jungbalsan Station, the closest to the place, and headed out to find Crebeaubelle (formerly known as CrebeauXiah). It was apparently really close to the station so I was like 'huh, I can stop by and take pictures'. It was a highly plausible and sensible thought. Right?

Wrong. I ended up circling the buildings for 20 minutes until I gave up and decided to look for Misarang Imshil Cheese Pizza. Luckily, it wasn't that hard to find, and I turned the corner to the stairs and lo and behold, I find this.

Magical, isn't it? Every inch of that stairwell was covered in graffiti by Cassiopeia, some of it was just plain disturbing (please don't make me go into detail) while others made you wonder 'Now what in the hell is THAT doing here?' Anywho, I trekked up those stairs and found *gasp* a line. And a pretty long one at that. This was going to be one long day.

I stood in line and felt kind of awkward because a. I was alone and b. I was surrounded by Japanese people.
I swear, the Korean government should award TVXQ with a national award for bringing in Japanese tourists or something. There was a group of three Korean fans near the front followed by four big groups of Japanese people. One group, who stood right in front of me, caught my eye. There was a mom, a daughter, and what appeared to be the aunt and her daughters as well as their grandmother. It was like a little family outing. Only that family outing was across the sea on a plane.

I stood in line for around 50 minutes, in which I took a couple of pictures of the signs and Junsu's picture, because it was just so darn cute XD. But people wrote on the picture too, and that was sad beans. At least they didn't touch his face.
When it was finally my turn (when I told them it was only me, they looked kind of taken aback, t'was hilarious), I was seated in the corner, where there was a small table and given a menu. Apparently, Junsu really liked the Chicken Barbecue pizza there, so that's what I ordered along with a Sprite.

While I waited, I switched to fangirl mode and started taking pictures of all the goodies there. There were gifts from fans and a blown up figure of Junsu. Some of these fans are dang talented, just gotta say. Most of the goods there were gifts from fans, and they were awesome.







My favorite picture smile.gif

While I was spazzing over the Junsu clock
(one for my birthday mom, kthnxbye),
Isn't it so cute?! XD

my pizza came. It actually looked really good, and I was hungry
(who starves people at church?)
so I dug in, but not before I had taken a
loverly picture for your eyes smile.gif
I was pigging out so I had four slices
(yeah, I know, I'm a pig, what can I do? *shrugs*)
and had the other two slices packaged for later.

The people working there (girls in their twenties) kinda looked half dead a lot and seemed more interested in what was going on on TV (a Sponge special about silicone) than the people in the restaurant. I had to ask for napkins because I never got them in the first place. But then again, like 90% of the people in the restaurant where Japanese and spoke like one word of Korean, so I'd be kinda annoyed too. But still, um hello, you work in a restaurant run by Junsu's dad, what do you expect?

Anywho, I paid (15,500 KRW for the pizza and Sprite) and then asked one of them if they delivered gifts.

She was like "Oh, to the manager?" and I said yes and handed her our letter from TS and little gifts from me. I was like "This is from INTERNATIONAL FANS. Tell him that, okay?" She looked at me kind of funny, so I was like "Just do it dry.gif" I left feeling just a little peeved at the service they had given but I was like whatever and decided to move on. I was meant to meet someone at Time Out Gelato at 3:15 for some fangoods and it was already 2:30, so I had to run.

Another picture of the graffiti, but on the way down the steps

End of Part 1-

Written by: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

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