
--♥ [FANACCOUNT] ♥--
--♥ The Most Epic Day Of My Life ♥--

(Yes I'm allowed to call it that, because that's what it was)
A fan account done by TS' only Korean translator, moi

Part 3. The MJ Tribute Concert
(and the part you've all been waiting for)

Another subway ride to Samgakji Station and a three minute walk later, I could see the War Memorial Plaza.

Fortunately, they were selling fangoods on the street, so I picked up a glowstick (my first), a small blanket (blue, with clouds XD)
and a bunch of other fangoods. I then proceeded to the
area where they were selling tickets.
I picked up mine, and then headed to the official goods stall.

My ticket XD

All they were selling was a postcard set
(holy guacamole that poster set XD)
that came with a free poster. Unfortunately,
they ran out of the really hot one, so I had to make do with a boring one that looks like those dark blueish green ads we've been seeing.
I do have these, but heck no I'm not giving them to anyone

After stuffing that in my bag, along with everything else in the world, I went to the R4 area, where my standing 'seat' was. I was worried because I ended up near the back so I was like "Crap I got pushed back." I was surrounded by Japanese fans. Like literally, we were standing there in a 8:2 ratio of Bigeast:Cassiopeia. I got into the concert venue at around 5:20 and waited for 6 and the concert to start.

At around 5:50, they announced that due to technical difficulties, the concert would start at 6:20, not 6. I was like 'whatever' and brushed it off.

My first glance of Ho wasn't that glamorous. I heard people start screaming and the crowd just squished to the front. Apparently Ho was behind the stage on the steps and he seemed to be talking to someone. He shook his body and jumped around as if he was acting cute so we were all like "Who the F is that with him?!?!" I got a real blurry shot of him, but he was really far away. His whole head was smaller than my pinky nail from where I was standing. He went down to the stage and things calmed down a little.



Another announcement at 6:10. This time it was because admission into the venue was taking longer than expected so the concert would start around 6:40. I was getting a little peeved off but I brushed it away. It's weird when a concert starts on time anyway.

Then, around 6:35, the lights dimmed. All I could think was 'OMFG I'm going to see Yunho IN THE FLESH XD'
I tried to contain my excitement as I waited.
I hadn't read fanaccounts of the night before so I didn't know when Ho would come out.
As I was getting my camera ready, the music starts and BOOM. Out pops Yunho.


You may laugh, but that was my actual reaction.
Thank God I tied my camera strap around my wrist because I let go of the camera because I was shocked.
A lot of people told me that Yunho and Changmin especially looked way hotter in real life than in photos and they weren't kidding.

The camera never does this man justice.
I swear to God he was the hottest guy I'd ever seen in my entire life. (and he didn't even have dimples! (you'll know what I'm talking about if you know about my dimple obsession))
He had the smallest face I'd seen but he was really tall. He looked even taller because he has the skinniest legs known to mankind. I swear, those legs made me feel so self conscious it was crazy. And boy, were they long.
Koreans are known to have shorter legs than Westerners but Ho was taller, had longer legs and was hotter than all the foreigners there (This was pretty hard when all the backdancer guys' bodies were ripped :Q_____)

Beat It Fancam

The first song was "Beat it" and I could hear Ho's vocals sometimes but I honestly couldn't tell whether he was lip syncing or whether the microphones were just plain POCKYing awesome. Usually after five seconds, I can tell when a singer is lip syncing or not, but the quality of the other singers' audio as well as the audio quality when Ho spoke were so crystal clear and awesome that I got confused.

Ho did his guitar duet dance thing with both guitarists, the man and the woman. When he went up to the man, fangirls were screaming because he was so damn hot. When he went up to the woman
(who was really pretty and had an AMAZING voice)
fangirls were screaming because he was close to a girl. It was hilarious but I found myself screaming too. Ah, in the the heat of the moment, I was tempted to throw my glowstick at her but I calmed down just in time wink.gif
Photo of Ho with the female guitarist. Grrrrrr....

The audience constantly shifted according to where Ho was so I was constantly pushed back and forth. I fought my way forward, valiantly, but dang those fangirls could get rough. My feet got stepped on so constantly that the dust in them got permanently embedded into my shoes. Everyone had cameras out and the bodyguards there didn't seem to care at all.

After "Beat It", Ho talked to us, and people around me were screaming like crazy, I swear I was getting deaf. When Ho asked if we were cold, the girl next to me was like "NO. I'M NOT COLD BECAUSE YOU'RE HERE."


YH: I think the weather's gotten warmer than yesterday.
YH: How did you like the first song "Beat It"?

-I don't know why my audio cuts off here, but he said something along the lines of
"Michael Jackson was my idol and I'm honored to be performing his songs."

YH: Although it's pretty cold,
YH: the next performances will heat up the stage and hopefully your bodies too,
YH: and I might make a couple of mistakes in between.
YH: But that's okay, right?
YH: Then I'll work hard to bring you a great performance.
YH: On with the next song.

Ho left the stage and the other singers took it and sang amazingly. I loved every minute of it biggrin.gif

His next song was "Smooth Criminal" and he first came on enlarged behind a white tarp, well his shadow. Everyone went crazy and the screams only got louder when the screen was dropped to show Ho in a black suit and hat.

Wow wow wow <33333
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdPsJ6MZ2GE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdPsJ6MZ2GE

Smooth Criminal Fancam 1 Ten out of Ten for hotness <3333333333 href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZIV4E64Pp0">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZIV4E64Pp0

Smooth Criminal Fancam 2 He slipped up at 00:19 in the second fancam and I found that so cute XD When he got back his composure, he had that cheeky guilty smile of his and it literally stopped my heart. I had to remind myself to breathe, it was that crazy. After that, more songs came from the other band members, which I really enjoyed. Then, a random female Korean singer, ....whose name I've forgotten :X came on stage and sang the Earth song. It was pretty interesting because one of the backdancer girls was doing ballet, but then she crashed into the singer when she was going backwards. I loled a little. What can I say? Schadeunfraude. Their pain is my happiness yo. No I'm kidding. I'm not THAT mean and cruel. His next two songs (that he did in a row <3) style="width: 389px; height: 291px;" src="http://j.imagehost.org/0220/5722.jpg" alt="ImageHost.org" border="0">
Photo taken during "They Don't Care About Us"

Did I mention that I love Michael Jackson for inventing such raunchy/smoking hot dance routines?
Haha, I sound like such a pervert but for some of the moves, I kinda just stared at him open mouthed while the people around me went nuts. I saw like a 40 year old woman act like a teenage fan girl. It was so cute XD

"Jam" was a great hit too, with flame balls erupting from the stage and everything.
We were so close that when the flame balls shot up, I could feel the heat on my face. And it was hot.
God knows how Yunho felt on stage. He must have been sweating like mad!


Funny story about "Jam". When Ho started singing, it sounded like he was saying "Damn" not "Jam".
So when he said "Everyone, one, two, three, four, JAM", everyone in the audience said "DAMN"
So throughout the entire song, Yunho succeeded in getting an entire concert audience to swear (yes Damn is a swear word in my house).

When I found out the actual name of the song later, I started cracking up so bad I fell off my bed XD

Then he left the stage and the lights turned off on stage so we were all like "WTF, Heck no it CANNOT BE OVER"
So we started chanting "YUNHO YUNHO YUNHO" to lure him back on stage.
The guy on the microphone said that in order to see more of Yunho, we had to chant his name.


This went on for like five minutes and people started getting ticked off, when the lights came back on and a video came on screen.

I knew that deep disturbing voice. It was the beginning of
"Thriller" and I went nuts.

Unfortunately, my camera died (stupid camera) from being accidentally on all day, so I couldn't record any of it.
But seeing Ho sleeveless, RAWR. Those arm muscles. *dies*
But all I could see was his armpit hair because that's all Cassies talk about when they see him with something sleeveless on.
Silly Cassies messing with my brain XD

The costumes of the backdancers were pretty awesome, they were covered in tissue paper or something and it looked really heavy. It was raining paper bits and I got them all over myself, it was fun but it was obstructing Ho's face from my vision.

When the song ended, I honestly believed he would go into a rendition of
"Billy Jean" my all time favorite song.
So I was crushed when he went into his closing ments. He asked us all to applaud the band and the backdancers and then they all bowed. He hugged the lady backup singer and people were like "AFLKJQ)
(#RHAKFHJA:OJF" It was hilarious.

He said something about Michael Jackson watching the performance from Heaven and I found that so cute that I had to awww.

Then he said, "Get home safely. Careful of cars. Get home safely. Bye." and he kept telling us to be safe getting home and left.

We stood there for 15 minutes chanting
"Yunho Yunho Yunho" but he didn't come back on.
Sad beans sad.gif

When we saw them taking things off the stage,
we realized it was really over and trudged off.
Getting out wasn't too bad but the subway suddenly got flooded by female fans.
I got safely home and then spazzed the next two days.

I still spazz. My heart still goes crazy when I think about it.

I have to say, that was one hell of an amazing night. My first TVXQ sighting in six years after getting into the fandom and it was truly and honestly so worth it. I would pay that $100 again and again and again and again just to see him.
My position during the concert

How I got from where I was to where I ended up

Final Remarks: Amazing performance. Great singers. My only two complaints would be that "Billy Jean" wasn't sung and that Ho seemed to be very right stage (our left) orientated. Because I was on the left stage side (our right), it got a little frustrating.

To the people who diss this performance: First of all, if you didn't go watch the performance, you have no right whatsoever to criticize it. It was an amazing performance, and I don't regret a single Won of the money I paid for my ticket. It was better than RENT and Wicked COMBINED (and I watched Wicked front row) in my opinion and watching Ho was absolutely Heaven for me.

And if you did go, but felt "let down" because Ho didn't have that much stage time, then you went with the wrong mindset. I went knowing that Ho wouldn't be on much and that this was a Michael Jackson Tribute Concert, not a "Yunho Showcasing His Talent" Concert. I loved listening to those old songs (even the ones I had never heard before) and it was great just going through music history of an amazing man who passed away.

There was some outstanding talent there, the other singers were great and fantastic and so talented. But people didn't see that because they were too busy complaining about Yunho not being on stage.

My complaint would be about some of the very rude Cassiopeia who I saw. I saw a girl snap at another girl's mom because the mom asked people not to push. Some snapped at the bodyguards there. While most of the fans were civilized, others seriously needed a lesson in manners.

But overall, spectacular performance by Yunho.
Can't wait till June 3
-End of Part 3-
Written by: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits ImageHost.org

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