:: MIROTIC (20/11/08) ::
Hai all... Once again, i've become a wanderer in my own Lappy...
And i watch again all my TVXQ MIROTIC performance...
Suddenly feel like i want to share this with u guys..
Ahhh.. seems like this performance didnt get any attention...
No one show their interest... T_T sad... U know what i feel??
Ahhh plus Junsu oppa and Yunho oppa is fell.. Watch carefully...
It is around 2.25-2.28... Really.. I dont know why does no one show their interest...
MIROTIC was so sexy and awesome.. They just... looking and starring at others and talking.. no feels at all.. T_T
No one appreciate them... T_T this makes my heart broke!!
Pheeewww!! (-_-') Nevermind, TVXQ is perfect.. no one can beat them!
Ahhh I'm too much in judging people.. But, dont u think the same too??
credits: uploaders
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
posted by: FiFFyJunJun