--♥ Sexy and MUSCLES Gifs ♥--
Two GODS !!!
TWO Tentations !!!
Ops I wanted to say...
TWO Talentous boys u.U"""
Yunho♥ \0/ Here in Powerfullgods I AM your Wife !!!
[LOL YukariiChangmin♥ I spoke 1st \0/] !!!
SoOoOo...As Wife I have all copyrights
to TOUCH in Yunho♥´s muscles !!! LOL !!!
This Body ...My GOD ♥¬♥ !!! Yoochun♥ Muscles !!! It´s rare YooChun♥ show Us his strong arms
BUT Powerfull Gods always get the BEST MOMENTS !!!
LOL !!!
Junsu♥ !!! [total hysteria] Kicked by FiFFY JunJun♥ LOL !!!
FiFFY♥ will kill me but...
FiFFY JunJun♥ can U exchange with me our
"boyfriends?" LOL !!!
This night U gimme me Junsu♥ and
And JaeJoong♥ give to Junsu♥ support for
Satisfied me LOL !!!
And U can take a rest !!!
[Slapped by FiFFY JunJun♥]
DELICIOUS !!! OMG The most strong and muscular
guy from Tohoshinki♥ !!!
JaeJoong♥ isn´t no one secret !!!
Everybody knows That I LOVE JaeJoong♥´s muscles !!!
Amu JaeJoongie♥ I divide JaeJoong♥ with U but U know...
U are a student and U need to study HARD !!!
So I take Care JaeJoong♥ for Us LOL !!!
Changmin♥ I know U have something there !!! YukariiChangmin♥ Will check it soon LOL !!!
Yunho♥ U can show more for your Wives LOL !!! I know some Yunho♥´s fans are called by "Wives" !!!
My God So I can be the LOVER LOL !!!
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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥