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--♥ Seoul District Court ♥--
--♥ Rejected SM’s Preservation ♥--
--♥ of Evidence Cancellation Request ♥--

SM Entertainment (hereafter SM) filed a request
to the court to cancel the submission of
preservation of evidence” application as being requested by
TVXQ members Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun,
and Xiah Junsu, however, the request was rejected.
One of the litigants through a phone
call with Money Star News
on the 23rd said, “On last 18th, the court
rejected SM’s cancellation
request of evidence preservation.
Claimant side’s, the three TVXQ members,
preservation of evidence application is still up and will
receive document submission related to earnings from
The Seoul Central District Court prosecutor
explained the reason of the rejection,
The fact which has been drawn up is about
legal relationship between the artists and their agency company,
and in compliance with law of civil procedure article
2 section 344, the document holder side couldn’t refuse
to submit the documents that become object
of document submission order assertion from the complainants
On August 5th,
Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu
side submitted
a preservation of evidence to the court
to calculate the real income distribution of all TVXQ activities
from SM Entertainment. The preservation of
evidences demanded including accounting books, contracts,
receipts, journals, and any relevant
documents related to the income distribution calculation.
With the court rejection, seems that the document release
by SM is now inevitable.
Currently both sides of SM
and 3 TVXQ members has been waiting for the
court decision after the first hearing on 21st last month.

source: star.mt.co.kr + cbssummarized
trans by: sharingyoochun
Shared By:

Sayuri JaeJoong

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